Category Archives: Economics

A FLAW in the Monetary System?

This seven-minute video shows better than any other medium how devastating the effect of compounding interest upon interest is.

The trouble is that, by now, brainwashing (rather than education) has been so successful that everybody thinks ‘money’ must be borrowed. At interest. Nobody asks where the interest is supposed to come from.

And there is a big difference whether

  • you and I borrow for our personal or small business needs (little money)
  • whether banks and central banks borrow (making money out of money aka usury)
  • and whether the Government borrows ‘big’ money
  1. for its own needs
  2. the provision of public services
  3. the compensation for shortcomings provided by public officials
  4. to ‘run’ the economy – which it hardly does, compared with the effect of money as debt.

Yes, it’s about ‘big’ money and ‘little’ money, and it’s about long and short time frames. That’s what the video shows!

‘Austerity cuts’ are far from necessary. But The Bradbury Pound is not known, since it is not taught by any economist. For the bank(st)ers do their best to camouflage what they are doing: create money from thin air and charge interest for it.

The big question is: why do all politicians seem to fall for this ‘trick’ such it has been beautifully institutionalised into the Debt Management Office?

The history of the national debt is published here. But who benefits is not published, i.e. the recipients of interest payments!

New analysis claims US may default 15 days prior to the actual date

13 01 10 Washington PostThis article is a guest contribution that illustrates how the language of personal debts is camouflaged when talking about national debts:

  • the repayment by personal debts is legally enforcible
  • the repayment of national debts doesn’t matter as long as interest payments reach the bank accounts of those with ‘vested interests’…

Now, however, as people are beginning to wake up to the impossibility of ‘growing debt’ forever, ‘debt ceilings’ are used

  • either to bankrupt governments or
  • at least to reduce public spending.

Hopefully more and more people see how money has become a tool to control and has ceased to be a medium of exchange, let alone a store of value…

Maybe the ease with which ‘money’ is created as debt should be kept separate from controlling a nation’s money supply? Continue reading

Iranian TV exposes Federal Reserve scam: Fed creates money for interest, not jobs!

Here is an interview by Iranian Press TV with Michael Burns, an American economist.

While he doesn’t answer the questions particularly well, at least the gist of what he’s saying is

  • that money is created from nothing and sold for “interest”
  • that the Fed didn’t solve the ‘crisis’ in 2008
  • that the American people were lied to.


Send your Santa Letters to the Bankers. They can make Miracles happen, says Robin Hood…

Here’s my Santa Letter that I put here. Will you add yours?

Dear Bank of England,

For Christmas, it would REALLY be nice if ALL of your employees were invited to remember how you were created in 1694: the Bank of England Act foresaw a punishment for TRADING, to avoid the SUPPRESSION of Their Majesties’ subjects, at TREBLE the value of the trade. See

Hence my biggest wish is that you stop selling ‘bonds’ or any other papers or currencies to the Treasury as “public debt”, only for us the taxpayers to pay interest every year, in every budget, no matter who’s in government.

My next biggest wish is that you stop listening to the Fed, the IMF and any other American economists or bankers. Think your own thoughts! And think about what is good for the people in the UK and not just the global financial elite. Could you please put your allegiance where it is supposed to be, and not with whoever wines and dines you best?

And then I do wish that you supervise all banks propoerly, for self-regulation does NOT work. With the internet it’s easy now. Get proper statistics together! Just as everybody gets hit and hurt when ZERO is reached in an account, so please hit and hurt your fellow bank(st)ers:

  • when there is too much Credit and not enough Cash in the money supply
  • when short, medium AND long-term inflation figures become unacceptable
  • when banks get bailed out WITHOUT victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression being compensated for white collar crimes committed by people in your institutions.

What a lovely 2011 it would become!!!…

Yours gratefully in advance,


Organiser, Forum for Stable Currencies
Web Publisher, Victims Unite!

The Emperor’s New Clothes: How to Pay off the National Debt & Give a 28.5% Tax Cut

This is a great article with an interesting string of comments, written by an entrepreneur who calls a spade a spade.

It’s part of the remarkable work of The Cobden Centre which stands for honest money and social progress!!!

I came across it thanks to Steve Baker MP who supports Douglas Carswell MP in his 10 minute rule bill to lead the way on bank reform.

Goldman, Goldman über alles

This GATA article is a remarkable summary of the madness that has resulted from bankers going berserk in their greed and need for power and control: Goldman can “print money” faster than the European Central Bank – by using credit default swaps. These were invented by J.P.Morgan in the early 1990s.

So governments are not in the hands of central but private bankers! Both create money out of thin air and sell it as “financial products” for interest payments. Meanwhile, we the people, are supposed to believe economists that money is a medium of exchange to fuel the real economy whose “output” is measured by GDP

GATA is one of the best sources of information and analysis one may find. And as professional gold investors they are powerful. That includes taking the Fed to court! Imagine us doing that with the Bank of England!… 🙂

The future of public debts: prospects and implications

This article shows the New World Order and its player, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), in action: bankrupting states so that the invisible governments of central banks and banks can use ‘financial products’ and ‘monetary aggregates’ to control the real world and the real economy. In the name of freedom, democracy and law and order !?…

Merry Britain

The Robin Hood Tax campaign is a great initiative to attract attention to the mortal embrace between bankers and politicians and the imbalance between excessive funds in the financial industry, compared with chronically dwindling public funds.

The organisers are currently collecting images for the next public action. Here‘s the one for the Forum for Stable Currencies.

Meet the Economic Elite

Thanks to William Shepherd:

In David DeGraw’s study of the true state of the USA entitled The Economic Elite vs. The People of the United States of America, he argues that the American middle class is being eliminated by a rapacious economic elite, who make up just one percent of the population and represent nobody but themselves. The process did not begin with sub-prime mortgages and the credit crunch but has been accelerated by both…and by Obama’s coerced responses to them, which have benefited Wall Street at the expense of Main Street.

David DeGraw lays out a thoroughly researched case…including truly shocking statistics on the state of the richest nation on the planet…and suggests a way to connect the dots and explain what is going on.

An 18-page 14000 word article by David DeGraw…see attached Word version…has  been posted on the cesc website at The cesc version can also be accessed via the William Shepherd bookmarks at: .
Continue reading

Goldman Sachs faces Robin Hood Tax vote-rigging claims

I am clearly still not sufficiently cynical: as one of the founding organisations of the Robin Hood Tax I’ve done my best to promote it and am watching the Yes / No vote on their site. Hence I was amazed to see the increase of NOs and appreciated the way that those at the helm responded.

Now I’m glad to see that they not only identified the tracks back to Goldman Sachs but also informed the media.

Here’s the article in the Daily Telegraph.

However, German Radio reported that Italy wants to introduce the Robin Hood Tax – albeit in 2008, and by taxing the oil industry! Bellissimo!!!