Category Archives: National debt

FROM THE HORSE’s mouth: World Bank Whistleblower on how Global Elite rules the 99%

The impact of what we say and what we write depends a lot on our ‘credibility’. When ‘ordinary people’ say that the world is run by the Basel Bank for International Settlements as the central bank of central banks, nobody understands them. When a world bank whistleblower writes it, they will, hopefully, believe her:

Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years. In fact, when she was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World Bank, she held the position of Senior Counsel.

She was in a unique position to see exactly how the global elite rule the world, and the information that she is now revealing to the public is absolutely stunning. According to Hudes, the elite use a very tight core of financial institutions and mega-corporations to dominate the planet.

The goal is control. They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the huge financial contributions that they funnel into their campaigns. Since the elite also own all of the big media companies, the mainstream media never lets us in on the secret that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way that our system works.

Remember, this is not some “conspiracy theorist” that is saying these things. This is a Yale-educated attorney that worked inside the World Bank for more than two decades. The following summary of her credentials comes directly from her websiteContinue reading

NATIONAL CREDIT and the Bradburys – from the Author of The Money Bomb

This 5-page article was written by James Gibb Stuart who passed away after 93 years of a life filled with passion for monetary reform.

His book The Money Bomb made such an impact on the City’s establishment that it was banned from WH Smith’s windows after a positive review in the Evening Standard…

With ‘social media’ we have a new chance to make the Bradbury happen and abolish the national debt in the process:

A FLAW in the Monetary System?

This seven-minute video shows better than any other medium how devastating the effect of compounding interest upon interest is.

The trouble is that, by now, brainwashing (rather than education) has been so successful that everybody thinks ‘money’ must be borrowed. At interest. Nobody asks where the interest is supposed to come from.

And there is a big difference whether

  • you and I borrow for our personal or small business needs (little money)
  • whether banks and central banks borrow (making money out of money aka usury)
  • and whether the Government borrows ‘big’ money
  1. for its own needs
  2. the provision of public services
  3. the compensation for shortcomings provided by public officials
  4. to ‘run’ the economy – which it hardly does, compared with the effect of money as debt.

Yes, it’s about ‘big’ money and ‘little’ money, and it’s about long and short time frames. That’s what the video shows!

‘Austerity cuts’ are far from necessary. But The Bradbury Pound is not known, since it is not taught by any economist. For the bank(st)ers do their best to camouflage what they are doing: create money from thin air and charge interest for it.

The big question is: why do all politicians seem to fall for this ‘trick’ such it has been beautifully institutionalised into the Debt Management Office?

The history of the national debt is published here. But who benefits is not published, i.e. the recipients of interest payments!

New analysis claims US may default 15 days prior to the actual date

13 01 10 Washington PostThis article is a guest contribution that illustrates how the language of personal debts is camouflaged when talking about national debts:

  • the repayment by personal debts is legally enforcible
  • the repayment of national debts doesn’t matter as long as interest payments reach the bank accounts of those with ‘vested interests’…

Now, however, as people are beginning to wake up to the impossibility of ‘growing debt’ forever, ‘debt ceilings’ are used

  • either to bankrupt governments or
  • at least to reduce public spending.

Hopefully more and more people see how money has become a tool to control and has ceased to be a medium of exchange, let alone a store of value…

Maybe the ease with which ‘money’ is created as debt should be kept separate from controlling a nation’s money supply? Continue reading

The Absurdity of the National Debt – published by The Duke of Bedford in 1947

We are not the first in history

to notice the tension

between the City of London and the City of Westminster…

Page 1 – Page 2 – Page 3 – Page 4

One of the gems on Financial Reform.

How quickly the national debt rises in the UK and how an app brings the problem to US phones

An interesting chart about the UK national debt by an interesting organisation: the Economic Research Council – with an explanation here, about the huge increase. How come I just read today that the PM claims the national deficit has been cut by more than a quarter? I suppose the deficit is not equal to the debt in his mind…

Also interesting is the previous chart:

Iranian TV exposes Federal Reserve scam: Fed creates money for interest, not jobs!

Here is an interview by Iranian Press TV with Michael Burns, an American economist.

While he doesn’t answer the questions particularly well, at least the gist of what he’s saying is

  • that money is created from nothing and sold for “interest”
  • that the Fed didn’t solve the ‘crisis’ in 2008
  • that the American people were lied to.


Central banks + banks + governments = same circus, different clowns!?…

Analogy of the bank bailoutAre enough people waking up to make a difference like this cartoonist? Click on the image to enlarge it.

Central banks create “money” from thin air, call it quantitative easing, sell it as “public debts” or “treasury bonds” to get interest payments, and people are in awe of fancy papers and words they don’t understand.

Banks do the same, while talking about “financial products”…

And governments? They play along and betray their tax payers. That’s why the Treasury gets staffed with Bilderberg attendees.

Institutions live longer than people. They follow the money to employ people. In 1694, the Bank of England was the second central bank after the Swedish Rijksbank 30 years earlier…

Same circus, different clowns!…

2011 – The year when money starts to die

This article can be found on Finance and Economics, the website of ecnomist and former banker Alasdair Macleod.

However, his quote “Zero interest rate represents the most serious mispricing of money. It does not contribute to producing the savings industry requires for recovery.” indicates that he sees “money” only as a product.

I refer to his article here mainly to illustrate the “games” central bankers play

  • with governments – through “government bonds
  • the value of money – through “freshly created paper money
  • the price of gold and silver – through price suppression schemes that GATA has been pointing out for years.

Alasdair Macleod predicts the “death” of money, by comparing with history in the 18th century. I shall not join him in predictions. But I do hope that the current trends will NOT continue!

Money from Thin Air – Explained a in 3 Minute Video

This video is a good summary of the essence of

  • money created from thin air – as national debts
  • the impossibility of paying back national debts
  • the farcical games that governments and central banks make us want to believe.

One of the problems seems to be that people don’t think “currency”, but “money”.

Another problem is that the few who know run the risk of being murdered when they know too much. See Christopher Story’s story.